International Bingo Association Logo

International Bingo Association
Bingo Software Entertainment
A Business Unit and Brand of ACCORG

Since 1999 we have specialized in the development of retail bingo software applications, games, and utilities.  We also develop custom bingo applications.

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Privacy Policy

 InterBa respects your privacy and we do our very best to protect your personal information.  Please read our privacy policy below and email us if you have any questions. 

  1. What information do we collect?
    1. What information does InterBA ( collect?
      1. Email Address
      2. Name
    2. What information do we collect from third party sources?
      1. MyCommerce (, A subsidiary of Digital River)
        1. Name
        2. Email Address
        3. Complete Address
        4. Phone Number
        5. Internet Protocol (IP) Address at the time of the completed order.
      2. Pay Pal (
        1. Name
        2. Email Address
        3. Complete Address (If Applicable)
  2. When do we collect this information?
    1. Support Request - Whenever a customer requests help from our support staff.
      1. MyCommerce (
        1. Section [I.B.i.a]
        2. Section [I.B.i.b.]
      2. InterBA (
    2. Order Confirmation - Whenever a customer register's/purchase our software or pays for a service.
      1. MyCommerce (www.MyCommerce)
      2. PayPal (
  3. How do we use this information?
    1. Order Verification - If you need assistance obtaining information regarding your purchase product or service, such as your license key, we need this information in order to validate your claim.
    2. Product Support - If you use our website to request support or you request support through MyCommerce, we need to know how to reach you so we can answer your questions.
    3. Advertising - If you authorize us to send YOU information regarding OUR products, you may receive an email.
      1. You must authorize us to send you information regarding our products when you order, or by requesting this information via email.
  4. Specifically, what we won't do with your information. - This list is an example of what we will not do with your information.  If an item is not listed here, it does not mean we can/will/may do this with your information.
    1. Sale or Give Away/ Share
    2. Advertise on the behalf of Third Parties
  5. How long is this information retained?
    1. Long Term - Any information deliberately kept beyond a current event.
      1. Any information collected by Section [II.B]
    2. Short Term - Any information kept only during a current event.
      1. Any information collected by Section [II.A]
    3. Other - Any information not deliberately kept, but kept.  This information is usually forgotten and deleted when found. 
      1. An example of this would be an email that was saved with the intent on responding later, but the email never received a response.
  6. Where is this information retained?
    1. Confidentially kept location
  7. Who has access to this information?
    1. Duane Terrell
    2. Any employee of InterBA who needs this information in order to assist our customers.
  8. How often is this policy updated?
    1. Whenever deemed needed.
  9. Who will be contacted by order of this policy when this policy is updated?
    1. No one
  10. Definitions
    1. Current Event - An situation that has a definite beginning and ending time.
      1. When a person makes an inquiry to a member of our staff, it creates a current event.  When the inquiry is resolved or stated as unsolvable, then the event is closed and no longer current. 
All of our transactions are processed via MyCommerce, a leader in credit card processing.
We except many forms of payment and each payment is secure!

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Click on any Purchase Now button for pricing & ordering information
PLEASE NOTE:  The software boxes displayed on this website are for visual purposes only and no software will ship in such a box.

Copyright (c) 2017 by ACCORGTM
InterBATM is shorthand for International Bingo Association
International Bingo Association is a Trademark of Duane Terrell
ACCORG is a Trademark of Duane Terrell

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